Monday, July 14, 2008

A Summer Evening

This is an interesting process that I am late in beginning, and it feels as if in starting this blog I am somehow graduating from livejournal. Now is as good a time as any, I suppose.

This past weekend has been a glorious mini-vacation, although not without its complications. On Saturday, I went to the PSU Farmer's Market with my former boyfriend, bought a coffee, loaf of walnut bread, Gouda cheese and fresh organic blueberries. The picnic was nice, and it was good to do emotional reorganization. An unexpected change in plans - the end of a two year relationship that we had naïvely thought would last forever - has allowed me to reconnect with my nomadic, highly artistic self (although this is a pompous and idealistic statement) and this is the positive side.

I moved on to the Portland Art Museum on my own and was really impressed with Klaus Moje's glasswork, which is normally something that seems so seperate from the sculptures and oil paintings that are meant to be viewed in museums rather than sold. There were also several recent acquisitions that were intriguing and very well-done, such as the old etchings that illustrated original copies of Goethe's works and included the old German. In the evening I went to a concert put together by Hush Records with Laura Gibson, Loch Lommond and Nick Jaina. This was really remarkable and there was something about how the lighting and music went together that made it a spectacular performance for all of the musicians. It did help that all of Nick Jaina's band was very attractive and dapperly-dressed.

On Sunday I witnessed the Museum of Contemporary Craft's PDX Block Party, which was very fun and included some great galleries. Later I headed up to 23rd with a friend and enjoyed a latté while writing a letter and chatting about philosophical things. Afterwards we headed to Trader Joes for picnic materials (two picnics in one weekend, oh I am spoiled!) which included: black tea, naan, tomato basil hummus, dried mango and mochi. While eating at Couch Park, we listened to the audiobook version of John Hodgeman's The Areas of My Expertise. Overall, this weekend was really great and I felt insanely productive at work today.

Things can only get better from this point on. Munich is always on my mind.

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