Thursday, October 15, 2009

ATTN: Call for Portland Puppeteers!

After taking a puppetry course in Munich, Germany, with two established puppeteers, I became set on continuing my newfound passion in Portland. Sadly, however, my attempts at forming a meet-up group fell through when I realized there was a large fee involved. I have yet to lose hope, though, and wanted to to pose the question to anyone who happens to stumble across (or upon, rather) this blog:

Would you be interested in getting together to practice and puppetry techniques or potentially even perform in public?

In Munich, I created two intricate marionettes and directed, choreographed, guided other group members in and performed my own piece in a small theater. I feel rather attached to the figures now and would like to have the chance to practice manipulation and animation with others interested in the art once again.

What say you?