Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Earlier Ramblings

I found some musings written on the back of a receipt about a month ago:

There is something incredible about living in the city. I love the pace of life, cars, bikes and pedestrians. Although we may be criticized for misplaced values and unreachable goals, in the city one feels destined for something good, something entertaining and impressive. We try our best to be sophisticated, educated and trendy. We vote as consistently as conservatives, though at the opposite end of the spectrum. We look down on so-called "independent" politicians. Make up your damn mind, already.

We long to quote facts historical, socio-cultural or mathematical and not only sound, but also be profoundly intelligent. Eventually some of us settle for more traditional ways of living, yet others put a spin on this and come up with something entirely their own (although they arrive at it simultaneously with and in an identical way to others).

Life is good here, and we adore our brick buildings and farmers' markets that remind us of an earlier, separate time without cementing us in it.

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